Thursday 24 January 2013


I've decided that when I'm older I really want to travel and I've known this for a really long time now, although I'm hoping Japan will be my final destination, I just want to be able to explore the world.
I've got to admit I am a bit of a 'home bird' and I enjoy the company of my family but I really just want to be able to experience first hand all the different cities and cultures. I intend to do this during a gap year, which is about 3 years from now... Most the places I want to visit are in Asia if I'm honest. Places like America, Australia and Russia don't really interest me, although I would like to go to New York City for maybe a week. But I really want to travel to China, Korea, the Philippines and, of course, Japan. I would also like to see some of Canada. With places like the Philippines, for example, I'd love to go there because of the fact I have a friend who lives over there and it's one of the main things I want to do before I die, to meet her! But likewise I have an old friend who lives in Canada who I haven't seen in about 5 years who I'd love to see again.
(Seoul at night - Credits to photographer. I didn't take this photo, nor do I own it)

I think Asia attracts me most because of how much culture there is. It is such an alien place and that really draws me in. Not only is it the cities of these countries, like Tokyo, Beijing and Seoul, but the countrysides as well. I mean China has such a vast and amazing countryside, it's really amazing and to be able to say I'd been there would be phenomenal.
I'm a pretty open person when it comes to most things, especially cultures. I find it really interesting to understand other peoples way of life and how they view the world. I don't think someone can be judged on their cultural background because it's just the way life is, we're all different and being able to understand how other people think of life is something amazing. That sounds really stupid and cringe worthy... Right?

Aspirations of Megan #1!

- M.

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